Dear Participants of the LIA COPIGAL Projects,
Dear Colleagues carrying out research in nuclear structure and nuclear reaction physics,
We would like to invite you to the “COPIGAL Meeting on recent results and future projects involving PARIS, AGATA, NEDA, and FAZIA detectors” that will take place in Krakow, Poland in the days of December 13-15. 2017.
The Meeting is organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the LIA COPIGAL Collaboration research activity. It will be devoted to presenting the results that have recently been achieved within LIA COPIGAL projects, in particular, in experiments in which the PARIS, AGATA, NEDA, and FAZIA detector systems were used. Very important will also be a discussion on future directions of research involving these detectors at the stable and radioactive beam facilities GANIL (SPIRAL2, SPIRAL1, LISE, S3), IPN Orsay (ALTO), LNL Legnaro (SPES), ISOLDE CERN. Program of the Meeting will consist of the talks given by the COPIGAL project leaders in which they will show the experimental results and discuss the status and plans for each detection system. Also, recent advances in the field of nuclear structure and nuclear reactions from other nuclear research centers in Europe, USA and Japan will be presented by invited lecturers.
We hope that in addition to the members of the LIA COPIGAL Collaboration, also other colleagues will be interested in participating.
Best regards,
Bogdan Fornal and Marek Lewitowicz
LIA COPIGAL Scientific Coordinators
December 13-15, 2017 : Kraków : Poland
Dec 13-15, 2017
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
ul. Radzikowskiego 152
31-342 Kraków, Poland